Danny Gariepy Cinematographer

Danny Gariepy
Danny Gariepy is a Canadian-based cinematographer specializing in commercial and documentary projects. A light obsessed coffee addict, Danny strives to create the most compelling images to elevate every project he is attached to. Over the years Danny has created images for many acclaimed commercial pieces and award winning documentaries.
Growing up in a small town at the foot of the Rocky Mountains Danny developed a deep appreciation for some of nature's most impressive works of art. Developing his craft in these wild landscapes, Danny brings a unique set of skills to the filming environment that allow him to tackle any situation. From leading high-paced commercial sets with large crews, to working in remote mountain ranges there are few environments that feel foreign to him.

HALÃU | Thule (Short Film)


Canada Goose | Below The Surface

Subaru | Within a Dream

First Command | Focus on the Path Ahead

Tourism Calgary | What a Visit to Calgary Looks

Paul Feig Artingstalls | Martini Shot

First Command | 4 Wheel Dream